Posted on by Amber Wyche

Who motivates the motivator?

I’m back, and I won’t say like I never left, because I did. And that’s my bad. The person that was known to motivate everyone else needed somebody to motivate her for once. I read some of my old Motivation Monday write ups and it was like I was reading words from another person. I immediately felt convicted. The words I say, the words I write, the pieces I create, they’re not just for me. In fact, they’re not for me at all. This is a God dream. The culture needs me. Because of this I had to learn that it’s okay to get discouraged, but it’s not okay to stay there. We all need a little motivation sometimes and when we can’t find it, it’s our duty to create it.

Over the past year, I kind of became an expert on creating my own motivation and felt compelled to share some of my tactics.

Firstly, get you some good friends! There is so much power in who you surround yourself with. When you’re feeling empty you should be able to turn to your comrades to be filled up. These are the people that know you best. Sometimes the only motivation you need is a reminder of who you are and how far you’ve come, and your friends are there to do just that. If you’re not getting motivation from within your circle, you need a new one.

Secondly; read; listen; and be motivated. During my downtime, I really got into listening to podcasts, even started one of my own (Just Another “Motivational” Podcast). There are so many people out in the world, human beings like you and I, who have daily struggles and are openly sharing said struggles on different media platforms. YouTube is another great source for motivational content. Sure, some of the motivational clips can be a little cheesy, but there’s also some hidden gems waiting to be heard. And hopefully this goes without saying, but reading is fundamental. Self-help books are more than just a good pastime.

Lastly, and probably most importantly, learn how to look inward for motivation. Learn how to self-reflect and celebrate your wins! Make it a habit to appreciate how far you’ve come by recounting goals that you can now call a reality. Be your own cheerleader when you need it.

I got in the routine of telling myself, “You got this, Grand.”  Something so simple, yet so powerful, can make all the difference.

So to answer my question, the motivator motivates the motivator. It’s you, you’re the motivator.


Stay Motivated!