Hot girl summer is over, which means our favorite time of the year is coming up: Cozy girl fall, and we need to be prepared to make the most out of the upcoming months. That’s why we have put together a short but sweet list with the Top 10 must haves anyone (not just girls) should keep around during this time of the year. Let’s begin!
#1: The Apex Jumpsuit
Listen, just because fall is the time to be comfortable, doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style, and the Apex jumpsuit is the perfect combination between looking and feeling great.
You can find the jumpsuit
here, it comes in all sizes (from xs to 2xl) and you can choose between our original black or new platinum color. The orange tones in the piping on the jumpsuit really gives you that ‘fall’ vibe.
#2: Base Butter’s Radiant Face Jelly
Skin care is a must, it doesn’t matter what time of the year it is. But the truth be told, our skin tends to dry up during the colder months, and this radiant face jelly is a great option to keep your face hydrated and looking moisturized.
This face jelly is actually made of Aloe Vera and it comes in a gel form which makes it super easy to apply. Also, the combination of Aloe vera + its lavender component helps regulate your natural pH and serum secretion! You can get it
#3: Subscription to a few good podcasts
Podcasts are pretty much the radio shows of our generation, and there’s nothing better to do on a fine fall saturday night than doing your skin care routine while listening to a great podcast.
Amongst our personal favorites are: The Realest Podcast Ever (@THEREALESTPODCASTEVER), Million Dollars Worth of Game, The Business of hype and the The Secret to Success…and be on the the look out for our very own podcast, coming to a platform near you, very soon!
#4: A good read
Listening to other people’s opinions isn’t the only way of spending your fall days, you can also ready some great books and expand your mind while you’re at it! If you have the time, we recommend our top pics which include Rawcast, The Mag (@RAW.CAST), Me vs Me by Jakeera McKendrick and How Successful People Think BY John C Maxewell
#5: The perfect hoodie
Hoodies are the perfect autumn piece of clothing: It’s comfy, soft and it will keep you warm. If you’re looking for the ultimate hoodie that combines style and comfort, you might want to look into Phenomenal XC (@PHENOMENAL.XC),
Essentials, and of course,
The Justice Hoodie.
#6: Healthy eats
Most often than not, we love to associate fall with comfort food, and as much as we love chocolate, eating healthy is still important. So, instead of ordering take out every day, try to maintain a healthy diet this fall. We suggest getting a little help from our friends over at Pressed Up Juicery (@PRESSEDUPJUICERY)
#7: The perfect playlist
You’ve got books, podcasts and a cozy outfit, so of course, the next thing on our list has to be the perfect playlist. Don’t worry looking out for one tho, we already put one together just for you, and you can check it out
#8: Indoor hobbies
During autumn, we tend to be a little bit less active. So, while you’re at home, try to spend time doing hobbies that you like, but also hobbies that will give you some extra money. Baking and writing are two great examples of hobbies you can do for fun, but also for a profit.
#9: A lip balm
It is during the colder months of the year that our lips tend to get dry and break, which is why carrying a little lip balm on your purse or fanny pack at all times is simply a must.
#10: A gym membership
Don’t let that summer butt turn unto a winter gut!
There you have it! With these ten things you’ll be able to make it through fall looking amazing, with great skin, and occupying your time with useful stuff!